Machine Finished Paper |
Machine Finished is an uncoated mechanical printing paper, often referred to as Improved Newsprint. Its main charactistic is its high bulk combined with a low weight. Most MF papers are 'tailormade' grades, which are characteristically light and have surfaces meeting particular requirements.
Their information capacity (ie ability to show fine printed detail) is limited due to the ink-absorption of this grade. Due to the almost entirely mechanical fibre content, the MF will discolour when subject to sunlight. MF is intended for use in web-offset presses which do not have external ink-drying (coldset) equipment. There is, however, a growing demand for printing by heatset web-offset. |
Machine Finished Coated Paper |
Machine-finished coated is a mechanical paper featuring very high bulk. This makes it ideal for printed products which require good rigidity.
Its matt surface and high brightness factor make for very readable printed text.
The relative smoothness of this paper and its low ink absorption facilitate a glossy image; this is an important advantage in colour printing, because it ensures excellent intensity and gloss contrasts, especially in pictures.
Speciality magazines and advertising products are among the main uses for MFC.
Heatset is the most suitable printing method with this grade.
Medium-Weight Coated Paper |
Sometimes called Double Coated Mechanical, MWC is a medium-weight coated paper grade with a medium-thickness coat and a basis weight in the over-80gsm range.
Its double coat gives this paper a consistent surface texture and excellent smoothness, ensuring high gloss colour printing.
This good surface ensures low dot-gain in offset printing and explains why MWC is so popular for demanding full-colour applications.
MWC boasts the highest information capacity of all the mechanical-pulp-based grades.
It is most suitable for perfect-bound speciality magazines and advertising articles in which quality demands are exceptionally high. |
Supercalendered Magazine Paper |
Supercalendered magazine paper is an uncoated grade containing mechanical pulp and fillers. It is probably the most economical magazine paper if its price-to-information-capacity ratio is taken as the yardstick.
This grade is made for HSWO and Gravure Presses. SC is particularly suitable for mass-circulation and full colour magazines. SC offset is used for TV programme magazines, direct advertising products, newspaper supplements and other printed articles in which high information capacity is an essential requirement.
Another of SC's outstanding features is its good brightness. Powerful supercalander rolls give this paper a dense, smooth and glossy finish. |
Light-Weight Coated Paper |
Light-weight coated printing paper combines low-freeness mechanical pulp with ,long fibre cellulose fibres to achieve superior strength. Often called 'Blade Coated Mechanical'. Excellent printability is then added by coating both sides of the paper to give it a high degree of smoothness and gloss.
LWC is intended for printing applications in which high information capacity is needed. Its main uses are for catalogues and magazines with a high advertising content.
The higher the basis weight, the higher the brightness level.
LWC comes in different versions suiting heatset web offset printing. A matt-surfaced version is very popular for offset printing of textbooks. A hybrid grade is available in the 60-75gsm range commonly called LWC Hi-Brite. These offer a higher brightness level than conventional LWC, whilst retaining opacity which MWC (Double Coated Mechanicals) cannot match. |
Woodfree Art Paper |
Woodfree Art
Often called 'Standard Art', this grade is a chemical-pulp-based variant of MWC known for its strength and brightness.
Premium and Speciality Art
Commonly called 'Real Art'. These heavy-weight coated (HWC) papers are triple coated.
Their main use is for printing art books, high quality brochures and annual reports.
Woodfree Art
The best features of this paper are its strength, brightness and suitability for long-term archive storage. In the lighter weights opacity falls short of the MWC.
It is available in matt, silk and gloss versions.
Premium and Speciality Art
Because of the high gloss level achieved through the triple-coating this grade can be used as an alternative for covers which would normally be UV varnished (the printed gloss would be slightly down from a UV coating and it would not be sealed, but the saving can be substantial)
Paper may be defined in terms of its use. Each grade serves a purpose, usually suggested by its grade name. Some of the most common classifications of printing papers are bond, coated, text, cover, book, offset, index, label, tag, newsprint, and writing.
Bond papers are commonly used for letters, copying, and business forms. 8.5" X 11" are the most common size.
Coated papers are used when high printing quality is desired because of its greater surface smoothness and uniform ink receptivity. There are many kinds: cast coated, gloss coated, dull coated, machine coated, coated one (C1S) and two (C2S) sides, etc.
Text papers are noted for their interesting textures and attractive colors. They are frequently use for announcements, booklets, and brochures. Most text papers are treated with a sizing to make them more resistant to water penetration and easier to print by offset lithography.
Book papers are used for trade and textbooks as well as general printing. They are less expensive than text papers, and are made in antique or smooth finishes. Books paper have a wider range of weights and bulk than text papers so it is possible to secure almost any desired bulking.
Offset papers are similar to the coated and uncoated book paper used for letterpress printing except that sizing is added to resist the slight moisture present in offset printing, and the surface is treated to resist picking.
Cover papers complement coated and text papers in heavier weights and matching colors for use as covers on booklets. Business cards are another very common use for cover papers. Many special surface textures are available, with finishes ranging from antique to smooth. Special characteristics of cover papers include dimensional stability, durability, uniform printing surface, good scoring, folding, embossing, and die-cutting qualities.
Index papers have two outstanding characteristics - stiffness and receptivity to printing ink. commonly used whenever an inexpensive stiff paper is required. It is available in both smooth and vellum finish.
Tag is a utility sheet ranging from 100 to 250 pounds for manufacturing tags. Tag stock has good bending or folding qualities, suitable bursting and tensile strength, good tearing and water resistance and a surface adaptable to printing, stamping, or writing.
Bristol is one of the board grades, with a softer surface than index or tag, making it ideal for high-speed folding, embossing or stamping. It is an economical substitute for cotton fiber stocks. It is very receptive to ink and has good snap and resilience.
Newsprint is used in printing newspapers. It is most commonly made with groundwood pulp combined with some chemical pulp.
Lightweight papers such as manifold, onionskin and Bible paper are specialty grades that have been produced for years. Recently, increasing mailing costs have fostered the development and use of lighter weight newsprint and magazine papers.
Writing paper usually refers to higher grade bond commonly used for letterhead paper. It will most often be made with a percent of cotton fiber and a watermark will be visible when it is held up to the light.
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